Be a aware that when you use Uber delivery for alcohol drivers required to take picture of your DL / ID. Not all drivers are honest and trustworthy. Uber did not trust their divers other wise no need to take picture of the consumers ID. The person who delivers the alcohol should be able to verify the buyer ID just like any retail stores

Anyone allowing to take digital copies of your DL /ID is just allowing your door open to the thief to come steal. The thief just need your ID and SSN to take control of your financial such as unemployment benefits, Income Taxes refund, Social Security and your personal data might be sold in the dark web!

“Fraudulent activities with EDD –  unemployment benefits in  California unemployment fraud totals over $11 billion –

Jan 25, 2021 — California officials said Monday they have confirmed that $11.4 billion in unemployment benefits paid during the COVID-19 pandemic involve fraud — about 10% of benefits paid — and another 17% are under investigation. Officials said a large number of those claims could end up being fraudulent as well.

California EDD officials admit paying as much as $31 billion – › california-edd-unemployment-fraud

Jan 25, 2021 — An additional 17% of the paid claims have been identified as potentially fraudulent.” That’s $11.4 billion confirmed and as much as $20 billion

Scammers found ways to defraud California’s unemployment – › californias-unemployment-mess-explained

Mar 9, 2021 – Since the California’s unemployment rates skyrocketed, fraud had plagued the California’s Employment.

Bank of America sued over EDD unemployment debit card fraud – › economy › 2021/01 › bank-of-America…

Jan 15, 2021 — A class-action lawsuit accuses Bank of America of exposing unemployed California workers to large-scale fraud and cutting off access to jobless

Class action lawsuit filed against Bank of America for rampant unemployment fraud

Jan 15, 2021 — Class action lawsuit filed against Bank of America for rampant unemployment fraud · EDD shuts down 350,000 accounts for suspected fraud.”

In the State of California, any person who is over the age of 21 can buy alcohol  just need to show DL/ID shows he or she is 21 or older but with Uber it is completely different. Uber driver takes photo of your DL/ ID when you use the app or web to order alcohol.

Uber states on the app and web:

“You must be 21 or older and have a valid government-issued photo ID verifying your name and age, and not be intoxicated, to receive alcohol.

Upon delivery, please be ready to show a valid government-issued photo ID.”

When the driver shows up, he / she required to take picture of your DL/ID other wise not allowed to drop off the alcohol, you can refuse for safety and privacy reasons but Uber will charge $15 for return alcohol fee. It is very important that once someone took photo of your ID, he or she can take screenshot from the Uber app or take another picture of the ID and save to the phone later can be used for anything they just need one more that is social security number since they know who you are and where you live your personal data is at risk.

This pictures were sent to Eritrea Today from the customer who had issue with Uber making copy of the ID. After refused to allow take picture, Uber charge the customer $15.00 and refused to response the customer when contact via email and app.

Uber refused to correct this issue and failed to protect consumers.

State legislatures needs to pass a law to protect citizens and make it is illegal for Uber to allow all Uber derivers to copy / take picture consumers ID. State and federal government must stop Uber immediately this bad business practices putting consumers at risk getting Scam.